First Lesson of Anal Sex
Most people want to do anal sex and do it right away without thinking about DOUCHING first! And we found out there are lots of people who DO NOT DOUCHE OR DON’T KNOW HOW TO! But what is douching? Douche means cleaning your bowels before Anal Sex. It will help the sex flow better and prevent you from leaving poop stains on the bed or anything inserted ;) There are some awkward scenarios that you might have already been through if you didn’t DOUCHE. |
Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, Do any of these sound familiar to you? So, HOW SHOULD WE DOUCHE?! HOW CAN WE AVOID ALL THESE AWKWARD “SHITTY” SITUATIONS?! Have you watch a Netflix TV Show called Sex Education?! Remember there’s one episode where Rahim teaches Eric and Otis Let’s learn how to douche and not shit yourself! |
A Lesson from Sex Education!
"Douching is not essential if you eat a lot of fiber and empty your bowels regularly. If you've never douched before, it might be the best to start with a simple bulb, like that. " |
Lovetoy Bondage Fetish Deluxe Douche - M
Fill the bulb with (warm tab) water
Apply a bit of
(Water-Based / Glycerin Free) Lubricant
onto the tip, so it’s easier for you
to insert it into your butt.
"… for as long as you can sit on the toilet & release. Squat, don't rush, push it in, compress the bulb and pull to take it out." |
【SUMMARY】 1.Get a Simple Bulb, Douche JOT YOUR NOTES NOW! |
【THINGS BEGINNERS SHOULD BE AWARE OF!】 1.YOUR BUTT IS PRECIOUS: The rectal hole and wall is much thinner and delicate, so make sure to lube up before inserting anything and be gentle when spraying the water up your butt. |
If you think using the bulb would take too long and too many steps, you could use this Douche Kit. Toynary DU01 Douche Kit can be attached directly onto a shower hose to use it as an instant douche. Choose from 3 different-shaped tips and just screw it onto the pipe. The generous pipe length will be sure to suit your needs. |
Well then if you've done all these steps before anal sex, |
Netflix TV Show, Sex Education, Season 2, Episode 6
6 [Television series episode]. (2020, January 17). Netflix.
Wavey, Davey, director. How To Anal Douche Properly!, 25 Apr. 2017,