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Use Tenga Geo to experience the unique geometric sensations. With a design that brings about an “elegant, enveloping pleasure”, fully immerse yourself in each stroke as the three-dimensional shapes take you to another world. When not using, Tenga Geo can also serve as an aesthetically pleasing decoration for your home. People might not even notice it is a masturbator.
Covered with dense, protruding, and undeniably beautiful geometric shapes made from gelatin, Tenga Geo visibly and unabashedly shows users its intricate patterns, allowing users to understand and examine the details of what makes using it feel so good. Being inverted inside out, it is inherently more convenient and easy to clean, so users do not need to be frustrated over having to dig in every nook and cranny through the outside in. The package comes along with a stand and a cover act as easy storage. Product characteristics: - Invert product for use - Easy to wash - Can be used repeatedly - With a washing lotion included - With a stand for hygienic drying Product Specifications: - Dimensions: 87 × 87 × 86mm - Weight: 210g Made in Japan |