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NPG AIKA Erotic Ass

Brand: NPG

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Great visual stimulation! AIKA plump ass, vaginal and anal double hole design!

NPG AIKA Erotic Ass

ID: 8751

Over 18 Only

Out of Stock


1pc / 3272g


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Product Details

Great visual stimulation! AIKA plump ass, vaginal and anal double hole design! The vaginal orifice is abnormally narrow and the vagina has two layers of mucosa. The middle section is mixed with wart and spiral, the uterus suddenly tightens. The internal structure and appearance are full of expectations, practice a variety of gestures with AIKA!

Product Characteristics:
- Vaginal: warts, spiral, tightens
- Low odor
- Low sticky
- Appropriate soft and hard
- Non-through
- Included lubricant

Product Spec:
- Weight: 2800g
- Length: 250 x 230 x 100mm

Imported from Japan