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Rope Flame Candle

Brand: NPG

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Low temperature SM candle, rope shape with 2 different colors. Made of non-toxic material. You will be excited by this burning pleasure.

Rope Flame Candle Small - Red

ID: 3256

Over 18 only

In Stock


1 pcs / 70g


Rope Flame Candle Large - Red

ID: 3258

Over 18 only

Out of Stock


1 pcs / 246g


Rope Flame Candle Large - Brown

ID: 3259

Out of Stock


1 pcs / 246g


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Product Details

Low temperature SM candle, rope shape with 2 different colors. Made of non-toxic material. You will be excited by this burning pleasure.


1. Light the candle, and directly put the wax oil on the body
2. Adject the distance between the skin and the candle to contorl temperature of the wax oil. As close as the distance mean as hot as possible
3. Use body lotion to peel the wax oil from the body easily


- Do not drop the wax oil in the eyes.
- Beware of the fire

Imported from Japan